Detox Determined
Following the December period we can give our organs a helping hand and do some detoxing from the inside. There are some yoga poses,...

New Years Resolutions: My Thoughts
The new year often bring a new chapter, a fresh start, a time to reflect and set some new years resolutions or goals. This may look like:...

Why Go & Exercise in Winter?
Winter comes with many reasons to stay snuggled up inside, but we can be left feeling sluggish and stiff! By moving our muscles and...

My 6 Month Yoga Journey
Here is a copy of a blog post I wrote after I had been practicing yoga for 6 months. I was still a newbie in the world of yoga, but I had...

Festive Foods - Top Tips
Christmas is a time full of delicious, warming, wintery foods; casseroles, warm mince pies and mulled wine, that are there to be enjoyed....

The Hidden Benefits of Yoga
This blog post from sammakaruna.org shares with us some of the less obvious benefits we can get from doing yoga! And I can personally say...

Child's Pose (Balasana)
I LOVE this pose. It's perfect to do alone, at the start of a yoga practice or for relaxation during practice. Personally, I enjoy...

Cat - Cow Pose (Bitilasana)
Cat - Cow, is a beautiful pose to gently stimulate the spine and the belly organs; often used in a warm-up. It's in almost every yoga...

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
There's definitely more to this pose than first meets the eye! It's a great one to practice sitting up straighter, for improved...

“I’m not Flexible Enough to do Yoga”
If I already knew how to drive a car back when I was 17, I wouldn’t have needed lessons. If I already knew how to speak Japanese, I...